Nations Cup

The Nations Cup series for eventing piloted in 2012 and rolled out in full in 2013. It is open to all nations and competitions are run at CCI4*-S level. There are eight competitions throughout the eventing season where teams can pick up points from each one, with the nations' seven best scores counting. The series winner is the nation with the most points at the end of the season.


All of the competitions in the series are run at CCI4*-S level except for the final fixture in the calendar at Boekelo Horse Trials, which is at CCI4*-L. 


Dressage takes place over two days with all riders completing a predetermined test of movements in front of three judges. The judges award marks out of 10 and, after combining the scores to give an overall percentage score, the score is then converted into penalty points (the higher the percentage, the lower the penalty score). 

Show jumping

At the CCI4*-S fixtures, the show jumping can take place either after the dressage or as the final phase after the cross country. In the final CCI4*-L fixture, the show jumping takes place on the last day after the cross country. 

Any penalties for knocking down obstacles, refusals or exceeding the optimum time are added to the score.

Cross country

At the CCI4*-S fixtures, the cross country can take place either after the dressage or as the final phase after the show jumping. In the final CCI4*-L fixture, the cross country takes place after the dressage and before the show jumping; the course is also longer than that at the CCI4*-S.

Penalties are incurred and added to the score for refusals, run-outs and for exceeding the optimum time allowed. 


Could you represent GB on an Eventing Nations Cup squad?

British Eventing would like to invite riders who meet the criteria below to apply for the British FEI Nations Cups squad.

The team of four will be chosen from those who have expressed an interest; it is hoped that at least one senior team member will be on the squad and at least two less experienced riders, as it is considered necessary for more riders to have international team experience. Some funding will be provided, depending on the event.

If you meet the following criteria please apply via the details below:

  • Horse/rider combinations from past and present form in CCI4*-S, CCI4*-L and CCI5*-L who have had recent good form.
  • Hold a current and valid British Passport.
  • Are qualified for the forthcoming Nations Cups, horses can be owned by any nationality as they take on the nationality of the rider for a Nations Cup.
  • Neither horses nor athletes are for any reason not allowed to take part in the forthcoming Nations Cups under BE, BEF, or FEI rules.
  • Horse/Rider must be eligible according to the minimum eligibility criteria as defined in the FEI Regulations.

If you would like to be considered please email Philip Surl:

4* Horse/Riders combinations are invited to apply. 

Nations Cup Series 2025 Selection Policy here.

Selection for each leg will take place in a timely manor, the selection policy is published on both the BE and BEF websites. 




Equestrian World Class Programme

The GBR eventing teams are supported by the British Equestrian Federation's World Class Programme, funded by UK Sport through the National Lottery. The Programme focuses on identifying talent, developing potential and maximising medal-winning performances on the world stage. The GB Nations Cup team are funded and supported by the World Class Programme, however selection on to a Nations Cup team does not constitute an automatic invitation to World Class Programme training or on to the World Class Programme (selection criteria for this Programme can be found on the BEF website).