*Bishop Burton (2) Horse Trials Abandoned*
Regrettably, due to the persistent heavy rainfall and waterlogged ground, all competition at Bishop Burton (2) Horse Trials on Sunday 4 October has been abandoned.
All entries and waitlists now closed!
1 Owner ONLY is permitted per horse, or 2 owners per horse if from the same household, and in the same car. Additional requests for entry will be refused. Please show membership card at arrival or no entry will be permitted.
Dressage Sheets - Please bring a SAE and drop off at the 'information point' or 'check in' point.
E-Programme - Coming soon! Please check our website - here!!
UNDER 18 Course Walks
U18 90 6pm Sat and 8.30am Sun
U18 100 12pm and 1pm Sun
U18 Novice 2.30pm and 3.30pm Sun
Please contact Sue Chadwick if you wish to attend 07971830230 limited to 5 riders per walk due to covid guidelines so no extra please.