Eligibility for Young Rider Performance:
Athletes are required to be between the years of their 19th birthday and 21st birthday, combinations must have achieved the Minimum Eligibility Requirement for CCI3*-S:
A, B, C and D FEI Athletes - 1 x CCI2*L/S OR 1 x Intermediate
Uncategorised FEI Athletes - 1 x CCI2*-S PLUS 1 x Intermediate
International MER:
- Dressage: Not more than 55 penalties
- Cross country: Clear jumping with no more than 75 seconds exceeding the optimum time
- Show Jumping: Not more than 16 jumping penalties
Please be aware that to compete in an International competition (FEI) both athlete and horse must be registered with the FEI. For more information, please go to: International | British Eventing
National MER:
- Dressage: Not more than 50 penalties
- Show Jumping: Not more than 16 jumping penalties
- Cross Country: Clear jumping with no more than 30 time penalties
Combinations who are not yet eligible to register for Young Rider Youth Performance can register and take part in the BE Regional Youth. For more information on this please go to: Regional Youth Programme | British Eventing
All details of training opportunities will be emailed directly to those registered on Young Riders Performance.
YOUNG RIDER Performance observation trials & Competition Opportunities, 2025
Observation Trials are event where the selectors for the Young Rider European squad are present.
Combinations wishing to be considered for European Youth Championships should aim to compete in at least two of the listed one-day or CCIS observation trials, alongside the main spring three-day-event trial, which will be Belsay International for Pony and Junior combinations, and Bicton International for Young Rider combinations. Combinations unable to compete at Belsay or Bicton should discuss their alternative proposal with the Youth Performance Manager.
- Young Rider Observation Trials will be held at OIU21 CCI3*(L&S), and classes above these levels
2025 Young Rider observation trials and competition opportunities
22/25 March - Thoresby CCI3*/OIu21
11 April - Burnham Market CCI3*/OIu21
17/20 April - Kelsall Hill CCI3*/OIu21
2/4 May - Osberton CCI3*
22/25 May - Bicton CCIYR3*L
13/15 June - Nunney - CCI3*
25/27 July - Burgham Final Trial CCI3*
11/14 September - Cornbury CCI3*
27/28 September - South of England CCI3*
Other Youth Competitions
6/7 March - Oasby - OIu21
8/9 - Tweseldown - OIu21
21/23 March - Barbury - OIu21
22/25 March - Thoresby - U25
25/27 April - Cirencester OIu21
20/22 May - Farley Hall - OIu21
5/8 June - Bramham - U25 - CCI4*S
18/20 July - Aston Le Walls - OIu21/Au25
25/27 July - Bishop Burton - CCIYR2*
20/25 September - Little Downham - Au25
25/28 September - Ballindenisk - Development Trip
18/19 October - Oasby - OIu21
2025 Training Dates
12 January - Aston - Showjumping with Philip Surl
21 January - Fundraising Webinar for parents and riders
19th Feb - Tunnels End, Leicestershire - Dressage with Tracie Robinson
20th Feb - Tunnels End, Leicestershire - Dressage with Tracie Robinson
20th Feb - Yorkshire Riding Centre - Dressage with Jane Bartle
21st Feb - Yorkshire Riding Centre - Jumping with Chris Bartle
1st March - Pickering Grange- Dressage with Tracie Robinson
2nd March - Aston Le Walls - Dressage with Tracie Robinson
22/23 March - Youth Camp - Yorkshire Riding Centre with Chris & Jane Bartle
16th April - Rectory Farm - Showjumping & XC with Christie Wright
24th/25th May - Aston Le Walls - Pre Belsay Training with Christie Wright
16/17 July - Somerford Park - European Nominated Riders Team Training - Selected Riders Only
4/5 August - National Training Centre - European Final Team Training JNR & YR - Selected Riders Only
Please refer to the British Eventing Fixtures list for information relating to which days specific classes will be held on at the nominated events.
Young Rider Championships 2025
The British Young Rider National Championships will take place at Bicton International 22/25 May 2025.
Eligibility for the British Young Rider Championship held at CCI3*L level:
- Athletes in the year of their 19th birthday until the end of the year of their 21st.
- Combinations must have achieved MERs for CCI3*L, find these in Annex 2 of the Rule Book.
- Combinations must be registered with Young Rider Youth Performance for the current 2025 season.
- All horses competing under FEI Rules are required to be vaccinated in accordance with FEI Veterinary Regulations and Rules for eventing.
- All horses and athletes must be registered with the FEI for the current 2025 season (Jan - Dec)
The 2025 European Young Rider Championships will take place at Strzegom, Poland on 20 - 24 August 2025.
Eligibility for The Young Rider European Championship held at CCI3*L level:
- Up to a maximum of six combinations will be selected
- Combinations must have obtained a Minimum Eligibility Result at least CCI3*L.
- Combinations must be registered with Young Rider Youth Performance for the current 2025 season.
- Combinations must comply with the 2025 Young Rider Europeans Selection Policy.
- All horses and athletes must be registered with the FEI for the current 2025 season (Jan - Dec)
- All horses MUST have a valid FEI Recognition Card (Passport).
All combinations must be certified by their national federation as qualified to compete at the required level.
View the full details in the FEI Rule Book HERE.
An important reminder for international athletes. This includes Pony, Juniors, Young Riders
1. From 1 January 2022, the FEI HorseApp will now be required for all athletes competing at any FEI competition (1* - 5*), anywhere in the world.
ALL horses competing at ALL FEI Events must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp. More information can be found here: Horse Health | FEI
The FEI has stated:
EHV-1 By-Law No. 5. Mandatory rectal temperature checks of all horses twice daily at Events, with the readings entered in the FEI HorseApp.
EHV-1 By-Law No. 10. Horse Health Status Self-declaration by Athlete/Groom including horse rectal temperatures for the THREE days prior to arrival at the Event, both entered in the FEI HorseApp.
2. Members wishing to compete in any FEI competitions are reminded to look at the relevant FEI Rules and Regulations.
3. To compete at an FEI competition, both horse and athlete must be registered with the FEI. This must be done annually. Please check you are registered before you enter an event. For more information on FEI International Competition (1*-5*), please go to International | British Eventing
4. Ponies wishing to compete in BE Observation Trials, The National Pony Championships and any FEI pony class including The Pony European Championship must measure within the FEI regulatory height (149.9cm with shoes)
5. All horses/ponies competing at FEI competitions overseas, Youth European Championships and 4* and above must obtain an FEI recognition card (passport).
Youth Performance Officials
Head of Youth / Chef d'Equipe - Darrell Scaife
Email: darrell.scaife@britisheventing.com
Youth Performance Coordinator
Email: training@britisheventing.com
Youth Selectors
- Charlie Lane (Independent Chair)
- Jon Collins
- Sue Bagley
- Sarah Bullen
Youth Performance Squad Coach
- Philip Surl
Youth Performance Vet/Physio Team
Youth Performance contact
For more information on the Youth Performance Programme, including eligibility and MERs, please contact International and Youth Performance on training@britisheventing.com