Course Builders and Designers

British Eventing Accredited course designers and course builders deliver cross country courses to the highest standards expected in the sport. Their courses provide an appropriate challenge for riders at specific levels. 

Accredited Categories


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A Cross Country Course Builder must be a full individual or supporter member of BE in order to be on the BE list of Course Builders. They may build courses within the following limits:

Platinum – All Levels

Gold – All levels

Silver (Professional) – Up to and including Intermediate

Silver (Restricted) – Up to an including Intermediate at nominated sites under Mentorship of Platinum, Gold, or Silver (P) Builder.

Bronze – Up to and including Novice (Not available on a professional basis)

Candidate Builders may build under and to the level of their supervising builder and may be available on a professional basis.

New Intermediate and Advanced courses may only be built by a professional builder of the appropriate qualification.


View list of Accredited Course Designers

A Cross Country Course Designer must be a full individual or supporter member of BE and on the BE list of Course Designers. They may design courses within the following limits:

List A – BE80 - Advanced

List B – BE80 - Intermediate

List C – BE80 - BE105

Candidate Designers may design under and to the level of their supervising Designer; they may be available on a professional basis.

Candidate C list designers may only design at BE80, BE90 and BE100 level under the supervision of a listed Designer or an appointed TA.

New Intermediate and Advanced courses may only be designed by a professional Designer of the appropriate qualification.

Restricted Designers are restricted to a single venue.

List of Accredited Course Builders

List of Accredited Course Designers

Become a Course Builder/Designer