** All refunds have been sent ** Epworth Abandonment As a result of the persistent rainfall that we have seen across the country recently, Epworth running next Saturday, 2 March, has been abandoned. The decision was made by the British Eventing Officials, who inspected the site today, and felt there was no option but to abandon due to the site being waterlogged. This will see the newly launched British Eventing Abandonment Support Fund (ASF) kick in for the first time to reimburse those members who had entered the event. Rosie Williams CEO said “this is so sad for the team at Epworth who have worked extremely hard with a view of trying to run. They have had three pumps running continuously for days but unfortunately, with the rain not stopping it, just isn’t having enough of an impact. “Fortunately, their specific business model has allowed for a reduced financial risk to themselves and a result, Epworth have generously offered to top up the reimbursement that members will receive in addition to making contribution to the Abandonment Support Fund for the benefit of all members.” John and Cheryl Gibbons, organisers of Epworth both said “It is devastating for all of us here to have to abandon but also understand there is no option. The rain has been relentless and despite doing all we can we just haven’t been able to manage the amount of water laying on the ground. With regards to refunding members for their entries, with an early decision we are extremely fortunate to be in the position that we are that we can top up the amount refunded to competitors. Giving back to the membership and the sport is extremely important to us and we felt by topping up both the refund and donating to the ASF was the best possible solution as it will not only assist those that entered with us but also the wider sport”. Members affected by the abandonment will be emailed by British Eventing directly next week. An email will go out with further details in due course.Abandoned