The competition levels

The sport is split into National and International competition levels. 

National Classes.

  • BE80 is the introductory level of the sport, the maximum height of show jumping fences are 85cm and 80cm for cross country fences. 
  • BE90 level competition sees a maximum height show jump at 95cm and the cross country is a maximum of 90cm. 
  • BE100 classes have a maximum height show jumping of 105cm and cross country of 100cm.
  • BE100 Plus classes are a step up from BE100 before BE105, they have a Novice level dressage test but a BE105 level show jumping and BE100 level cross country
  • BE105 is a bridge between BE100 and Novice classes. The dressage test is Novice level and the maximum height of fences for the show jumping is 110cm and for the cross country is 105cm. 
  • Novice (N) level classes have a maximum height of fences for the show jumping at 115cm, and cross country fences with a maximum height of 110cm.
  • Intermediate Novice (IN) bridges the gap between Novice and Intermediate with an Intermediate level dressage test and show jumping course (at a maximum height of 115cm), but a Novice level cross country course.
  • Intermediate (I) level show jumping fences are a maximum of 125cm, and cross country fences are a maximum height of 115cm. 
  • Advanced Intermediate (AI) classes have an Advanced level dressage test, show jumping course at a maximum height of 130cm and an Intermediate level cross country course.
  • Advanced level (A) is the top level of National eventing competition. The maximum height of show jumping fences are 1.30cm, and on cross country, the maximum height is 1.20cm


  • International classes are identified by the class code CCI followed by the star level from 1* which is at 105cm level up to 5* which is the highest level for the most advanced horses and riders. 

Horse Grades, Grading and Foundation Points

Under BE Rules horses are graded based on the points they earn at competitions.  There are 4 grading levels 

Grade 4 - for horses with no Grading Points

Grade 3 - for horses that have earned between 1 and 20 Grading Points

Grade 2 - for horses that have earned between 21 and 60 Grading Points

Grade 1 - for horses that have earned over 61 Grading Points

Grade 1 Elite - for horses that have earned 500 or more Grading Points

From competition level Novice and upwards horses are given Grading Points based on their placings. Horses also earn grading points when they achieve a double clear results outside of the placings. Once a horse has achieved a certain grade they are then able to enter higher level competitions. The higher the level of competition, the higher grade the horse has to be.  

For the competition levels at BE80 (as of 2023), BE90 and BE100 level horses can earn Foundation Points.  These points do not 'grade' a horse like Grading Points do but the points do indicate the level of experience and success in the sport the horse has achieved at these levels.   This means that if a horse has Foundation Point but no Grading Points, they remain a Grade 4 horse. 

Certain level classes require a horse to be a certain Grade to ensure fair competition as well as a safety aspect in the sport. To accommodate horses that are a higher grade than the class they may be eligible for, there are Open classes such as BE90Open, BE100Open or Open Novice. 


Special class codes

Next to some British Eventing classes you will see special class codes:

Open - These are special classes for horses that have British Eventing Grading Points. Horses win BE Grading Points at Novice level and above and there are some restrictions on the number of points a horse can have on its record in order to be able to compete in certain classes. Open classes do not have restrictions on the number of points a horse has. Displayed as BE90Open, ON, OI etc. 

6YO/7YO - These are horse age specific classes towards the Young Horse Championships, find out more HERE

U18 - Classes restricted to riders in the year of their 18th birthday or younger

U21 - Classes restricted to riders in the year of their 21st birthday or younger 

U25 - Classes restricted to riders in the year of their 25th birthday or younger

BC - A British Championship class

PT - A class restricted to eligible ponies and riders, find out more HERE

WL - Is a wait list. If a class gets over subscribed, some organisers run a wait list.

GO BE -  Classes enable riders to take part in a British Eventing affiliated competition, without the need of a BE membership and without a BE published record of the results. Find out more HERE.


ACE - Anyone Can Event 70cm up to 1m, available to anyone aged 10 upwards including non-members.

Arena Eventing -  80cm up to 1m, available to anyone aged 12 upwards including non-members.

The International levels

S = Short

L = Long 

Relating to the difference in the length of the cross country course.

Class CodeMaximum Height
Olympic Games and WEG - Special category1.30